O-range has several menus. This article describes the different menus.
Main menu
In the main menu you can select the following items: Course where you can see info on your active course and download a new one. Modes where you can select Regular race, Score-O or Course setting. Settings where you can set all settings. User to show info of the active user, mode and control radius |
Mode menu
In Modes menu you select between three modes: |
Settings menu
Settings menu has the following items: Control Radius where you select the radius where the watch beeps when you approach the control Autostart to start the race automatically when you reach start Show distance to show the distance to next control Show code to show the code on next control Show progress is a circular progress bar showing the distance to next control Show hint is a small arrow showing the direction to the next control Disciplines where you set; Foot-o, Ski-o or MTBO Unlink device to unlink your watch and link it to another O-range user |
Control Radius menu
You can set the following distances to the controls where your watch alerts. 15 m is default |
Disciplines menu
You can select three disciplines. When you choose FootO your exercise will be saved as Trail running in Garmin Connect, Cross Country Ski for SkiO and Mountain Bike for MTBO |
Exit menu
Exit menu opens when you press the upper right button. During a race you can Pause your exercise. After an exercise you can Save the exercise. You can also Discard the exercise. |